Wednesday, June 8, 2011

17 in 30???

In order to reach my vacation goal I need to lose 17 more pounds in 30 days.  Shit that sucks.  My daily average is about .65 a day.  Which puts me at 19.5 by D Day.  (Departure Day)  2 Major problems.  Yankee Game and Lake George.  Both huge tests on will power.  Free food at the first and nothing but hamburgers, french fries, root beer and ice cream at the second.  Walt Help Me. (That was an athiests interpretation of God Help Me.)


  1. First of all, stealing Walt help me.

    Second of all, you're already doing so well! I know you'll reach your goal, and even if you don't make it you've come so far and the weight isn't everything. I am sure you feel great and strong so that's all that matters. Enjoy the game and Lake George trip and try and relax! One month to go!

  2. Uncle Walt is our favorite person ever. we should start a new religion. walt always has my back.
